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Tech Transfer Studio

A revolutionary leap in the innovation supply chain. The infrastructure to make impact from innovation.

Our Mission

We are committed to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in universities by providing a platform for the development of intellectual property into viable startup companies. Our Tech Transfer Studios are designed to establish a physical presence on university campuses, providing the infrastructure and support needed for the successful creation of startups.

Our Venture Building Model

Our Venture Building model is designed to take intellectual property from universities and turn it into successful startups. We provide the necessary infrastructure and support to ensure that startups have everything they need to succeed.

Our Focus

We focus on building successful startups from intellectual property developed in universities. Our team is made up of experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts who provide the necessary guidance and support to ensure the success of our startups.

Our Team

Our team is composed of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who understand the ins and outs of the tech industry. From tech transfer to product development to venture capital, we've got you covered. Get to know our team of experts and see why you can trust us to guide your technology toward success.

Join Our Network

We are always looking for the next campus to build a Tech Transfer Studio. If you think your university could benefit from our model, reach out and we would be happy to discuss with you.

Our Model

At Tech Transfer Studio, we work to help bring the most promising startup ideas based on university technology to life. Our unique model places dedicated personnel right on campus to help Source, Build, and Graduate startups. With access to the needed engineers, scientists, designers, and markets through our parent company, Brazos Innovation Partners, we can turn any idea into a reality.

Our Impact


Tech Transfer Studios In Works


Startups Created


Funding Secured


Team Members & Contributors


Internships for Graduate and Undergraduate Studios

Ready to Turn Your Intellectual Property into a Successful Startup?

Are you looking to establish a Tech Transfer Studio at your campus? Reach out to us today and let's discuss how we can help turn your ideas into successful ventures.

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